How would your life be different if you lost 100 pounds in the next year?

"I know what it feels like to be obese, and I also know what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off for good!
I can help you achieve lasting, life-changing weight loss even if you have failed every other time you have tried.
Invest in my program and you will get the best possible results in the shortest amount of time!" ~ Coach Becker
A Magic Pill?
If there was a magic pill that could help you instantly lose 100 pounds without any side effects... how much would that be worth to you?
When I was obese, I easily would have spent $20,000 on something like that.
Unfortunately, no such pill exists... nor will one ever exist.
The fastest way to lose that kind of weight is obviously surgery, but that is extreme, potentially dangerous, and costly.
There is a better way!
It took me 6 years to lose 100 pounds...
But if I knew then, what I know now...
I am confident I could have done it in less than a year.
I'm putting together a pilot program and looking for a handful of pioneers to help me test my theory.
So if you're serious about making some lifestyle changes that will help you go from fat to fit, set up a call and let's chat.
My help doesn't come cheap, but by investing in some help, you are much more likely to get the results you are after.

"I know what it feels like to be obese, and I also know what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off for good!
I can help you achieve lasting, life-changing weight loss even if you have failed every other time you have tried.
Invest in my program and you will get the best possible results in the shortest amount of time!" ~ Coach Becker
A Magic Pill?
If there was a magic pill that could help you instantly lose 100 pounds without any side effects... how much would that be worth to you?
When I was obese, I easily would have spent $20,000 on something like that.
Unfortunately, no such pill exists... nor will one ever exist.
The fastest way to lose that kind of weight is obviously surgery, but that is extreme, potentially dangerous, and costly.
There is a better way!
It took me 6 years to lose 100 pounds...
But if I knew then, what I know now...
I am confident I could have done it in less than a year.
I'm putting together a pilot program and looking for a handful of pioneers to help me test my theory.
So if you're serious about making some lifestyle changes that will help you go from fat to fit, set up a call and let's chat.
My help doesn't come cheap, but by investing in some help, you are much more likely to get the results you are after.
If you are more than 100 pounds overweight, schedule a complimentary, NO-OBLIGATION consultation to determine if this program will be a good fit for you.