By answering a few quick questions before we chat, I will be more equipped to help you.
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Question 1 of 10
How much weight do you need to lose?
15-25 pounds
26-50 pounds
51-99 pounds
100 + pounds
Question 2 of 10
What's the biggest struggle you face in regards to losing weight?
Knowing what to do
Sticking to the plan
Question 3 of 10
What kinds of weight loss programs have you tried in the past?
Weight Watchers
Calorie Restriction
Low Fat
Atkins/South Beach/Other Low Carb
Shake based (Optivia, Shakeology, Isagenix, Slim Fast)
Jenny Craig
The Zone
Blood Type
Other (you can elaborate in the final question)
Question 4 of 10
What is motivating you to lose weight?
I'm concerned about my health
I found out I am pre-diabetic
I already have Type 2 diabetes
I'm uncomfortable in my own skin
I want to look better naked
I have no energy
I just want to feel better
My spouse or partner is nagging me
I'm embarrassed by my body
I want my clothes to fit better
It's just time
Question 5 of 10
On a scale from 1-5, how important is it that you hit your weight loss goal?
1 - Not important at all
2 - It would be nice
3 - It's somewhat important
4 - It's really important to me
5 - It's my top priority
Question 6 of 10
How would you rate your overall energy level?
1 - Professional Couch Potato
2 - Meh
3 - It's ok
4 - I have a good amount of energy
5 - I'm like the Energizer Bunny
Question 7 of 10
Are you willing to keep an open mind about possible alternative solutions that contradict the typical weight loss advice?
Yes, I am totally open to new ideas
Perhaps, it depends on the advice
Not really, I am pretty close minded
Question 8 of 10
Which describes how you feel about eating meat?
It's the best!
I like it fine
I try to eat it as little as possible
I don't eat red meat
I don't eat pork
I am a pescatarian
I am a vegetarian
I am a vegetarian for religious reasons
I am a vegan
Question 9 of 10
Do you understand that I am not able, nor qualified, to give medical advice?
Yes, I completely understand
Question 10 of 10
Is there anything else you'd like me to know before we chat?