How can you tell if someone is Vegan?


Don't worry, they'll f#@king tell you!


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This site is dedicated to helping people who are considering "going vegan" from making one of the dumbest possible decisions ever! 

Friends Don't Let Friends Go Vegan

If you are already a vegan, you are likely a lost cause, so go ahead and close your browser as I would hate for you to be confronted by actual facts...

I know you people are allergic to them.

Most* Vegans are:

Self-Righteous, Misguided, Hypocrites

*Notice I said MOST, not ALL. I've actually met a few vegans who were not totally annoying... but in my experience they are the exception, not the rule.

Look... if you want to be Vegan... fine, that's your choice.

But shut the fuck up about it mmm-kay?

Quit spreading lies and propaganda trying to guilt others into joining your cult.

My Beef with the Vegans

See what I did there? 😂 


  1. They are super annoying. Just about every vegan I know constantly goes out of their way to let you know they are vegan at least 3x an hour. They are more annoying than your friends who constantly try to pitch you on their latest MLM schemes.
  2. Their self righteous attitude. Most vegans go out of their way to shame those who are not vegan and walk around with a superiority complex that is sickening. 
  3. Their bogus health claims. This is what it really comes down to. They are stuck on the idea that saturated fat raises cholesterol which leads to heart disease therefore meat must not be good for you. Fortunately, study after study concludes that it's simply not true. Red meat is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet and eating meat is what helped homo sapiens to develop larger brains and move to the top of the food chain.

Bogus Health Claims

Guess What Vegans:

Red Meat DOES NOT cause cancer.

Cholesterol DOES NOT clog your arteries.

Just because you repeat a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Vegans always like to quote "The China Study" as proof that red meat causes cancer or isn't healthy for you.

As pure usual... it's complete bullshit.

The China Study: Fact or Fiction

The Diet-Heart Myth: Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Are Not the Enemy

Read this article

How Americans Got Red Meat Wrong

Read this article

What the Health = Pure Vegan Propaganda

If you happened to watch the that steaming pile of vegan propaganda on Netflix, you owe it to yourself to read some of the critical reviews about it:

Vegans also love "Forks Over Knives"... here's an unbiased review

"Cowspiracy" is nothing but vegan propaganda riddled with misinformation

Here's another review: Cowspiracy Debunked

The Game Changers Debunked

I've collected over a dozen articles and videos pointing out the flaws in The Game Changers at:


The Magic Pill

Vegans always claim that eating meat is not healthy, but the evidence simply doesn't support that claim. Sugar, soy, grains and processed vegetable oils lead to many of the chronic diseases afflicting today's modern society.

Saturated fat is perfectly healthy and cholesterol DOES NOT clog arteries.

Soy Sucks

Vegans claim they get plenty of protein from soy.
There's only one problem with that... soy is terrible for your health!

The Hidden Dangers Of Soy – The Secret To Why It Is So Unhealthy!

Read the article


Read the article

170 Scientific Studies Confirm The Dangers of Soy

Read the article

Soy Alert

Read this article

The Environment

Vegans claim that their way of eating is better for the environment.
Turns out they are wrong about that too!

If you want to save the world, veganism isn’t the answer

Read this article

Meat is Magnificent: Water, Carbon, Methane & Nutrition

Read this article

Latest study confirms an animal-free food system is not holistically sustainable

Read this article

Thinking of going vegan for the new year? Think again

Read this article

If you care about the planet, eat more beef

Read this article

The Ethics

I honestly believe that vegans are sincere about not wanting to support animal cruelty as a main reason for going vegan and I respect that.
The problem is... there is still blood on your hands (and in your food)

Ordering the vegetarian meal? There’s more animal blood on your hands

Read this artilce

"Vegans and vegetarians think they don’t kill animals but they do"

Read this article

There is No Such Thing as a Vegan

Read this article





Factory Farming


Vegans make 1 really good point

I side with vegans on one important issue:

The factory farming system in America is broken.

That's why we suggest supporting local farmers instead of buying meat from the CAFOs (Concentrated animal feeding operations)

Support Your Local Sustainable Farmer

There is a Better Way

While I understand the outrage vegans feel about factory farming... the solution isn't to stop eating animal products... the solution lies in humane, sustainable farming practices as demonstrated by Polyface Farms:

Kale vs. Cow: It's not the cow, it's the how

At a time when many in the health and environmental fields call for a world without meat, Kale vs. Cow makes the case for better meat—and shows how eliminating animals from our food system could cause more harm than good.

At our grocery stores and dinner tables, even the most thoughtful consumers are overwhelmed by the number of considerations to weigh when choosing what to eat— especially when it comes to meat. Guided by the noble principle of least harm, many responsible citizens resolve the ethical, environmental, and nutritional conundrums by quitting meat entirely.

But can a healthy, sustainable and conscientious food system exist without animals?             

Kale vs. Cow probes the fundamental moral, environmental, and nutritional quandaries we face in raising and eating animals. In the film, we focus our lens on the largest and perhaps most maligned of farmed animals, the cow. 

Defending Beef

The case for sustainable meat -The manifesto of an environmental lawyer & vegetarian turned cattle rancher Nicolette Hahn Niman

Order the Book Follow @defendingbeef

Veganism is a Cult 

Nutrition as a Matter of Religion?

In this video, Australian orthopedic surgeon Dr. Gary Fettke outlines the junk science and religious dogma that shapes our nutrition guidelines.

If you don't have time to watch the hour long YouTube video above, read this:


This week, the Author of The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability, Lierre Keith, joins me to dispel the three pillars vegetarians lean on to justify their dietary and lifestyle choices.

Her book, published in 2009, is still widely discussed and referenced today. In this stirring discussion, Lierre reveals that just six corporations (who she calls grain cartels) own the world’s food supply and how they deceitfully market industrial by-products in the form of soy-based products, how global warming is NOT caused primarily by ruminants but rather by large-scale agricultural practices, and how modern agriculture is destroying our topsoil and our land in general. But she doesn’t stop there! She goes on to explain how proper use of grazing ruminants could actually be a solution to or environmental problems. That’s a message we all need to hear!.

What makes her story even more amazing is that Lierre was a practicing vegan for years. Luckily she realized she was slowly destroying her body by not consuming the vital nutrients necessary for good health.

So, will going Vegan save your life and save the planet as is so widely believed?

Listen to this podcast before you answer that question:

Order the book

Who'd You Rather?

Vegans always claim to be healthier then the rest of us.

The thing is... most vegans I know are far from the picture of health.

I love this tweet from Dr. Ted Naiman. He follows a low carb diet and advocates resistance training. 

On the right, Dr. Greger is a vegan advocate. Bald, poor eyesight... not in terrible shape, but far from the picture of health. 

I don't think I'll be giving up meat any time ever!

BTW... Greger is a fraud.

Some of My Other Favorite Tweets

Trigger Warning:

How we tricked the world into thinking meat was bad

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

The Truth About Vegans

Are you Smart or Vegan?

How to win an argument with a vegetarian

Snag Some Swag

Are you brave enough to wear this shirt to a yoga class or a farmers market?

Tag a photo of yourself wearing this shirt with #vegansaretheworst for a chance to be featured in our gallery.

*bonus points if there is a vegan in the photo and double bonus if they are crying.

**Note: wear this shirt at your own risk... we aren't responsible if you get accosted by a militant vegan with hairy armpits that smells like patchouli.


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