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Elvis Saved My Life!

Right before I started my transformation from FAT to FIT... I was at a point where I simply gave up and accepted that I was meant to be fat... then I met Elvis!

Watch this 2 minute video to hear how Elvis saved my life:


My Story

I struggled with my weight for my entire life. 

I was a chunky little kid, who turned into an overweight adolescent, and by the time I was an adult... I was obese.

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I tried just about every diet known to man because I hated being fat.

I got teased, picked on, rejected and I struggled with self esteem due to the shape of my body. 

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I wasted thousands of dollars on shakes, pills, supplements, fitness gadgets and programs. 

I even hired personal trainers and a nutritionist.

Sure, I'd lose a little weight here and there... but it would always come back! 

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Also, whenever I was "dieting"... I was always miserable.

The food was usually pretty boring, or it didn't taste very good, and there was never enough...

I was always hangry!

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Then a few years back I tried a low carb diet and I was able to lose 70 pounds in a year!

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I even kept it off for a couple years before I started slipping into my old habits and the weight slowly started creeping back on.

Eventually I gained half of the weight back (+35 pounds).

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Then in 2015, a month before my first daughter was born... I made a commitment to get back on track and lose the weight and make my health a priority once and for all.

I started studying anything that had to do with nutrition, health, diet, exercise, willpower, motivation, and health.

I even became an Certified Primal Health Coach.

I was able to lose the 35 pounds again, and went on to drop another 30 pounds for a total of 100 pounds of body fat lost for good!

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Many of my friends were motivated by my transformation and I started a little side hustle to help them lose weight.

Once they were successful, they started referring their friends and they too starting losing weight and dropping inches.

Now my little side hustle has turned into my full time passion.

As a former fat person who knows what it's like to struggle, I feel compelled to help one person at a time develop healthier eating habits that will last a lifetime!

I am obsessed with constantly improving my programs and tweaking my process based on the feedback of my clients and I am on a mission to help you lose all the weight you want by ignoring the traditional dieting advice.


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My name is Becker and I am a recovering carb-o-holic

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You're looking a guy who used to take pride in eating nachos by the pound during a single sporting event.

You're looking a guy who used to who has been asked to leave an all-you-can-eat buffet more than once.

You're looking a guy who used to eat a box of cereal in a single sitting.

You're looking a guy who used to spend over $100 a week on fast food.

You're looking a guy who used to easily polish off an entire large pizza by himself.

You're looking a guy who used to eat Girl Scout Cookies a box at a time.

You're looking a guy who once exchanged Christmas cards with the manager of a Jack-in-the-Box.

"If I Can Change My Eating Habits... You Can Too!"

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The Old Me πŸ‘ŽπŸΌπŸ˜”πŸš«

  • Topped the scales at 285 pounds in Dec 2010
  • Wore size 40 waist pants
  • Was constantly Yo-Yo dieting
  • Went back and forth between binge-eating and feeling famished when counting calories
  • Had high blood pressure and was pre-diabetic
  • Wasted a ton of money on fitness gadgets & programs
  • Wasted even more money on shakes, pills, supplements and special diet food
  • Had to eat every few hours otherwise he'd get hangry
  • Struggled to tie his shoes
  • Got winded going up a single flight of stairs
  • Was embarrassed to take his shirt off at the beach
  • Couldn't keep weight off to save his life
  • Felt lousy all the time
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The New Me πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜

  • Lost πŸ’― pounds!
  • Wears size 31 waist pants
  • Knows a lot more about health and nutrition
  • Normalized my blood pressure and is no longer pre-diabetic
  • Feels more confident
  • Likes the way I looks for the first time ever
  • Knows I can achieve anything I sets my mind to
  • Can do 50 perfect push ups without stopping
  • Isn't embarrassed to be seen with my shirt off
  • Doesn't miss eating carbs at all
  • Feels fantastic all the time
  • Became a Certified Primal Health Coach
  • Is passionate about helping others achieve similar results
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I'm on a Mission

Ever since discovering the low-carb lifestyle in 2010 I have lost over 100 pounds and I am able to effortlessly keep the weight off whether I exercise or not.

I am on a mission to help others who are struggling because I know what that feels like.

So in January of 2017 I became a Certified Primal Health Coach.

I feel compelled as a former fat person, to help as many people as I possibly can go from fat to fit...

So if you are struggling to maintain your ideal weight:


We Believe:

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  • We believe the keys to permanent fat loss and abundant health starts with ignoring the traditional nutritional recommendations.

  • We have ditched the diet mentality and we focus on developing healthy habits.

  • Instead of counting calories and depriving ourselves, we are hacking our hunger hormones and training our bodies to burn fat for fuel.

  • We believe it's important for each individual to figure out what works for them, as there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution that works for everyone.

  • We avoid foods that make us hungry, promote fat storage, and cause inflammation. namely sugar, grains, and processed seed oils.

  • We eat foods that are delicious, nutritious, and satisfying.



Why I Do What I Do:

Becker Family

After struggling with my weight for my entire life, at first, all I wanted was to lose weight.

Now that I have a family... my number one motivation for living this lifestyle is for health reasons. 

I didn't become a dad until I was 41. By comparison, when my dad was 41, I was 20!

Also, my wife is almost 12 years younger than me! (#humblebrag)

I eat the way I do because I want to be around for my family for as long as humanly possible. Once I started researching the low carb lifestyle, I realized that just about everything we've ever been taught about health and nutrition is wrong. 

Saturated fat won't clog your arteries. Cholesterol is actually good for you. Salt doesn't cause high blood pressure, I could go on and on...

I live the low-carb lifestyle because I am certain it is the healthiest way of eating possible and it is what humans were designed to eat before processed food companies took over and messed everything up.

I eat the way I do because the food is delicious, nutritious, and satisfying. The fat loss is just a nice bonus!

I am on a mission to help others become the healthiest version of themselves. Let me know if I can help.

Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call

"If you are curious, confused, or even skeptical about Keto, we need to talk! Even if you have tried a low-carb diet in the past, you have not done it with me in your corner. I am certain that I can help you unlock the keys to permanent fat loss once and for all. Start by scheduling a complimentary coaching call below. I look forward to speaking with you soon!" ~ Coach Becker

YOU SHOULD set up a free call if:

  • You are confused by all the conflicting weight loss advice
  • You are sick of yo-yo dieting
  • You are committed to taking action and are ready to take responsibility for your health and well-being
  • You are willing to trust the process and be patient 

You SHOULD NOT set up a call if:

  • You aren't 100% committed to making a change in your lifestyle in order to get the results you want
  • You play the blame game and don't take responsibility for the choices you make
  • You aren't willing to have an open mind about what is actually healthy and what is not